Shetland Sheepdog Sheltie (medium coat) : : Female (spayed) : : Adult : : Medium Learn more about the Shetland Sheepdog Sheltie.
Lady is 6 years old and comes from a breeder but has clearly been socialized with humans and dogs. She loves connecting with people and other dogs. She just had puppies in November, so her coat is thin but that should come back in with good food and love! She is 37 lbs. She loves to be petted and is so sweet. Her favorite place is cuddled up next to you. She is anxious around men and it takes more time for her to warm up to them. She would do better with a female adopter or a male who is willing to be patient and kind to her. She is potty and crate trained and is learning to walk on a leash. More about LadyGood with Dogs, Cratetrained